A Fitting Memorial for a Beloved Pastor, Husband and Father

David and Diane

David and Diane

Duke Divinity School holds a special place in Diane S. Adkins’ heart. When Diane was a Duke University graduate student, she met a Duke Divinity School alumnus who was on campus for additional training. “A mutual friend introduced me to David, and the rest was history,” Diane says.

The couple led a full life together in Martinsville, Virginia, where David presided as pastor of Starling Avenue Baptist Church for 38 years. “David believed deeply in the mission of the church, and in particular, building bridges between people,” Diane says. “He did that not only as a pastor, but also through his involvement in many nonprofit activities in Martinsville.”

Additionally, David served on the board of directors of the Baptist House of Studies at Duke Divinity School. He loved returning to campus and talking with students.

After David’s death in 2018, Diane wanted to honor her husband’s life. “He had a long, faithful career and vision of ministry,” she says. “He was always someone who brought people together.” She realized that an endowed scholarship was an ideal way to carry forward David’s legacy.

Duke Divinity School made the process seamless. “I never expected this would be possible, but they showed me it could be,” Diane says. “Instead of paying taxes on my required minimum distribution from my IRA, I was able to give that money to the school tax-free.”

For Diane and her two daughters (one of whom graduated from Duke University, the other from Duke Divinity School), this ongoing connection to a place their father loved is profound. “I get emotional just talking about what Duke meant to us and our family,” Diane says. “It really touches me that David’s work is going to continue through this scholarship.”

You can join Diane by making a future gift to support Duke Divinity School. For details, contact Betsy Poole at 919-660-3456 or external@div.duke.edu.